Are you tired of spending your vacation waiting in endless queues? Stuck in some congested traffic jam whilst the hot African summer sun melts the surrounding tarmac. The beach and shops are jam packed, parking is a nightmare,sirens and hooters blaring constantly..... prices have been escalated just to rip off you, the unsuspecting tourist. Your Holiday accomodation has put you into debt for the next 6 months.It is impossible to get into restuarants, you know those hot and sticky eateries where all that the management want to do, is to rush you in and get you out as quickly as possible. The constant noise, shouting and general lack of tranquility. To top it all off, you are never relaxed, as you have to keep an eyeout for the Great Southern African Scourge, Crime!

Do you want to hear of one of the best kept secrets on the Holiday Calendar? Do you want to hear of a safe and secluded place?A town built like a green oasis in the middle of the Great Southern Namib Desert. A tranquil location hemmed in by the newly proclaimed Sperrgebiet National Park. A town built on Diamonds, where wild Jackals, Ostrich and Oryx wander the streets amongst the local inhabitants.Well there is just such a place, just North of the Orange River Mouth,in South Western Namiba, a mere seven and a half hours drive from Cape Town, lies the beautiful mining town of Oranjemund!

The town of Oranjemund, is perhaps one of the most secure towns in Southern Africa,a town built to service the rich diamond fields of Southern Namibia. A town that once boasted 15 000 inhabitants. A town that cannot be entered, unless a person has met the requirements for a diamond permit.This is the Sperrgebiet!

Spergebiet Sign

This Diamond Act makes Oranjemund a very safe place to visit. But one needs to apply for such a permit at least 21 days prior to arriving in the Town. If you are a non Namibian Citizen, you will also require a Valid Passport.

Oranjemund can lay claim to being the only town to be surrounded in all it's entirety by the Sperrgebiet National Park. In it's heyday, the mining giant, DeBeers afforded a number of luxuries to their employees and established one of the best 18 hole golf courses in Namibia. A course where one is almost assured to pass the odd Ostrich or Oryx as you hit that ball down the green fairways with the golden sun reflecting of the distant sand dunes of the mighty Namib sandsea.

Ostrich on the Course

Besides the Golf, Oranjemund has a well established Off Road Club, with it's own off road tracks. Tennis & Squash Courts. A Bowling and Jukskei Club.Fancy a game of Snooker or Darts? Well, this town has it all.There are also numerous restaurants,franchised shops, bars, free heated outdoor swimming pool, library, Banks with ATM's and a Nightclub in the town. But above all, the best kept Summer secret about Oranjemund, is the fishing down at the Orange River Mouth. Forget the Namibian fishing mecca of Henties,in the summertime, the river mouth and beach is packed as the locals reel in the Steenbras,Galjoen,Shad(2-4kg),Yellowfish and Kabeljou's.

Fishing on the Beach

Fancy a bonfire on the beach under clear Southern Namibian Skies ? No Problem, Oranjemund has 4 km of unspoilt and wild beachfront.If you are into river sightseeing, bring your paddleski or watercraft with you, and take a lazy afternoon paddle amongst the many reed strewn channels in our part of the RAMSAR proclaimed Orange River Wetland. The Birdlife on this part of the river, is one of the richest along the entire South Western coast of Africa, Pelicans, Flamingo's and Cormorants are all at play here.


Panorama view from Hohenfels

